Welcome to the Rare Kidney Stone Consortium
Our Mission
The Consortium facilitates cooperative exchange of information and resources among investigators, clinicians, and patients, and researchers in order to improve care and outcomes for patients with rare stone diseases. The consortium promotes ready availability of diagnostic testing, pooling of clinical experiences, and availability of tissue banks in order to advance the science. Our goals are to:
- Establish and expand registries and collaborate with patient organizations for the rapid dissemination of knowledge
- Stimulate generation of testable hypotheses regarding mechanisms of renal injury in these diseases through registry findings, tissue resources, and pilot projects
- Develop cohorts of well-characterized patients for future clinical studies
- Attract and train investigators to rare diseases research in nephrology
News and Upcoming Events
RFA Training and Pilot Programs
- Career Development Fellowships
- Pilot Projects
Consortium Structure
The Rare Kidney Stone Consortium is an organization of diverse participants and independent efforts representing four major diseases of hereditary nephrolithiasis.
Consortium Administration
- Director | Dawn S. Milliner, M.D. | bio
- Associate Director | John C. Lieske, M.D. | bio
- Primary Hyperoxaluria Program Director | Dawn S. Milliner, M.D. | bio
- Cystinuria Program Director | David Goldfarb, M.D. | bio
- Dent Disease Program Director | John Lieske, M.D. | bio
- APRT Deficiency Program Director | Vidar Edvardsson, M.D. | bio
Advocacy Organizations
- Oxalosis and Hyperoxaluria Foundation
- International Cystinuria Foundation
- Cystinuria Support Network
- Dent Disease Foundation
- Lowe Syndrome Association
Additional Resources
- Office of Rare Diseases
- Rare Diseases Clinical Research Network
- National Organization for Rare Diseases
Study Sites and Participating Organizations
- Mayo Clinic
- Wake Forest University School of Medicine
- NYU Medical Center
- University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
- Children’s Memorial Hospital
- University of Chicago
- St. Vincent’s Catholic Medical Center
- University of California, Davis
- Harvard Medical School
- Landspítali University Hospital
| Reykjavik, Iceland
- University of Padua
| Padua, Italy
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
| Amsterdam, Netherlands
- McGill University
| Montreal, Canada
- University Children's Hospital
| Cologne, Germany
- University of Bonn
| Bonn, Germany
- University of Barcelona
| Barcelona, Spain